At Cabin Creek Gundogs, we’ve had the opportunity to train and breed many kinds of dogs over the years. As we see what breeds are the most popular with hunters, and are among the most versatile to train, we’re turning our focus to the breeding of pudelpointers.

Pudelpointers are originally from Germany, and are a cross between a German hunting poodle (spelled, pudel, in German) and an English pointer. The pudelpointer is a pointing breed of gun dog, but it does much more than that.
With our unique bloodline and versatile breeding program, we’ve produced pudelpointers that are elite pointing dogs, but also are very skilled in blood trailing, marking and retrieving waterfowl, shed hunting, squirrel and rabbit hunting, and more. Some pudelpointers have been trained as search and rescue dogs, which speaks to their high level of intelligence.
While pudelpointers are very driven and focused in the field, once the hunt is over, they calm down and make great family dogs. Many of our owners comment on what great house dogs pudelpointers make, even after an intense day afield. That said, however, pudelpointers are elite hunting dogs, and we only like placing our pups in homes where we know they will be hunted with on a regular basis.
We’re often asked if pudelpointers shed. While pudelpointers do not shed like most hunting dog breeds do, you will find some hairs around the house and some in the tub after a bath. You will not see hair left on furniture or your pant leg when they rub against it. Many families have children who are allergic to dogs that shed, and they get a pudelpointer with no problems.
All of our breeding pudelpointers at Cabin Creek Gundogs have undergone extensive field trials and physical testing. We are very selective in our breeding process, which explains why we sometimes have a waiting list of more than a year. We pride ourselves on the quality of our pudelpointers, not quantity, and feel we have some of the most elite bloodlines in North America. We continue growing and diversifying our pudelpointer breeding line in an effort to produce the highest quality versatile gun dog possible.
Our Pudelpointers
Registered Name: Mig Ze Strazistskych Lesu

Captain is our Czech import. He is very intelligent, athletic and extremely stylish male. His ability to learn new commands so easily makes him a pleasure to train. He excels at tracking and working wild birds.
His love for both upland and waterfowl hunting make him an excellent breeding male. Captain has sired some very nice pups already and we will continue breeding him to select females.
Registered Name: Tall Timber Sage

While being one of my best personal gundogs as well as one of the most dominant dogs in my guide string Sage is also my best producing female. Her pups are very bold on land and water, her ability to work birds is unmatched by any Pudelpointer I have hunted over.
She is extremely intelligent, loves to work, and retrieves naturally.
Registered Name: Tall Timber Calla Lilly

Lilly is one of the pups we kept out of Sage’s first litter. Lilly began pointing, quartering and tracking at a very young age. She is a very stylish dog on point with a very nice tail set. Lilly produces pups that are very bold and have a strong water desire and prey drive.
Registered Name: Cabin Creek Crazy Cora

Cora is out of Captain’s first breeding. She has impressed me from the beginning. Her combination of prey drive, natural retrieving and water desire is unmatched by most dogs.
My intention is to use her as Sage’s replacement and so far I think she’ll do it. She received a max NA score of 112 Prize I and is currently getting ready for Utility. I expect great things out of this dog in the future.